
Monday, August 29, 2011

Our new math program!

In our class we now have a new math program. Now we all do group maths first then have a sharing session, In the sharing session Mrs Phillips pulls three names out of a bag and those three people have to share a math question they found hard and strategie they used to fix it. After that we do the top 20 which is 20 basic fact questions that people try and do as FAST as they can!
I'm in the top 60 club which means I have to do 80 masic fact questions in the same time people do 20 basic fact questions! Oh every time people complete 20 questions and stand up before everyone is finished and got them all correct. They would get a tick by their name, If they did the same thing the next day they would get another tick beside there name and they would be in the top 20 club! Which means they would now have to do 40 questions in the time people do 20!
Its kinda confusing but its REALLY fun! :)

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