
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mondays are murder, reading

My group is reading a book called mondays are murder the main characters are Poppy Fields and Bruce Dundee. This is what it's about: Poppy Fields goes to a remote island cut off from civilization by a big storm, three of the instructors on the island got murdered, first Poppy Fields thinks that a ghost is murdering the instructors soon she finds out that Bruce Dundee is murdering the instructors for revenge.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Planet Earth Quiz

Have a go at our quiz. It has some questions that we have been answering in our HOT learning.

Earthquakes and Planet Earth

Have a go at our Earthquake and Planet Earth quiz to see how much you know about our world.

  1. What is an earthquake?

  2. shaking of the ground because of tectonic plate movement
    the ground moving normally

  3. How many tectonic plates are there?

  4. 1-9

  5. What is the name of the plate/s New Zealand sits on?

  6. Eurasian and Pacific
    Australian and Pacific

  7. Name the types of plate boundaries.

  8. convergent, divergent, subduction, transformation
    converent, subduction, transformation

  9. Name the plates Japan sits on.

  10. North American,Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate,Philippine Plate
    Pacific Plate, Arctic Plate, Eurasian Plate,

  11. What is the fastest rate that a tectonic plate moves at per year?

  12. 15cm/year
    2.5cm per year

  13. What scales can be used to measure earthquakes?

  14. Richter and Mercalli
    Richter and Mitchell

  15. What is a tsunami?

  16. a tidal wave
    a series of waves caused by displacement of water

  17. what causes tsunamis?

  18. volcanic eruption, earthquakes, glacier slides
    icebergs breaking, an earthquake on land

  19. How big was the largest tsunami recorded?

  20. 345m tall
    516m tall

We hope you learn something by taking our quiz.

Monday, June 27, 2011


This term we have been learning about Advertising. There are many tapes of advertising like a snappy slogan , Exaggeration ,intriguing questions , Appealing adjectives and a tempting description of benefits . a snappy slogan is a catchy phrase that company use to advert there product for example have a break, have a kitkat.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Earthquake Videos

Today we have been learning about fault lines, what an earthquake is, how big earthquakes can be, why there are aftershocks from earthquakes.
Check out these videos

Today I have learnt...

We talked in pairs with the person next to us, we had a discussion about what is an area.  Two groups joined up and shared their sentences . Then each group told the teacher their sentences,  she wrote it on the t.v. . Then we found out what area is by going to  . It told us area is the size a surface takes up.we found out that its measured in square units.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Room 7 sewing

In Room 7 we've been working on hessian wall hangings.Hessian wall hangings are when you get a piece of hessian and sew it to the size you want it to be.You decide on a pattern to cut out of felt then sew around it  so that there is about 1/4 of unsewed  felt.Stuff between the felt and the hessian and add any extra things like:eyes,buttons etc.Now your done!!! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hot learning

Hot learning is fun because we are learning Japanese stuff, like Japanese writing and what food they eat. The Japanese eat alot of rice and drink water. On Friday we are going to be making a 3 course Japanese meal.


Our Sports at school are going great  we have are Hockey,Netball and Mini Ball.
In hockey there are 4 grades 1 2 ,3 4,5 6 and 7 8. The senior  grads are going great  year 7 and 8 have only lost 2 games and the year 5 and 6 have lost no games.Year 5 and 6 have lost all games and drew  ones in netball. and the year 7 and  8 have won 4 games.

Top 20

In Room 7 we have a program called the Top 20 club. Each morning we do the Top 20, the teacher hands out a strip of paper and a list of Times tables,division, subtraction and Addition. Then she writes on the board numbers from one to ten. The teacher will give us a letter from the list above on the sheet and then we make a start,when we finish it we stand up and the teacher puts our name on the list,so if we got 20/20 we get our name on Top 20 list.

Thank you for your time.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Room Seven's Fish

In Room 7 we have two fish, their names are Fishler and Gizmo,they are part of our class.
In term one, our fish went on holiday because their filter broke and it was really noisy!
We missed our fish.But now we have them back we feed them every day at 2:18pm.



Over the next couple of weeks some students will be doing spelling, writing,and maths exams.
People have paid to do the exams and children year 4-13 around New Zealand and Australia are doing them . We are one of hundreds of schools in New Zealand doing the exams.
I have done the writing exam and after morning tea I will be doing the spelling exam.
You get between 20 and 30 minutes to do the exams and we will do them in Mr Orr's office.


At the end of the term Kaleb & I are going to India. It's going to be AWESOME.
We are going to be skyping Room 7 so they can keep up with our adventures.

Year5/6 Netball Saturday 26th

Game is now at 9AM you will need to be at the game at 8.30am

Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree

This term I have been reading Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree. It has awesome vocabulary, such as ' Old Hoof-Features', and a cool story line. My favourite Character is Alan Taylor, who is a gingerbread man, and he is the school headmaster with a silver whistle. He is my favourite because he is amusing and a talking gingerbread man!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mondays are murder

Mondays are murder is a book about when some kids going to an activity centre and they are going to test it out.So on one Monday they went rock climbing and one instructor ends up dying because he falls by mistake.
The main character is a girl called Poppy Fields,she narrates the story.This book has won a red house children's book award for 2010.This a GREAT book and i recommend it to you.This is a Tanya Landman book.
some of her other books are:

1.Dead funny.
2.Dying to be famous.
3.The head is dead.

Themes for the 'Ogre of Oglefort'.

Our reading group is reading a book called 'The Ogre of Oglefort'. We are trying to find out what themes are and which themes are included in our story. Some of the themes we think are in our book are Acceptance, courage, cooperation, and Identity.
I think the book is exciting and adventurous, At the start i thought it was hard to get into until i read more and more and started to get the whole theme of the book!


We have been learning to create a good piece of persuasive writing.We need to persuade the reader to come to our Japanese cultural exchange and join in with the things they will be doing with us. It will be really cool because we will be having Japanese food, see Japanese clothing and so much more. Here are a couple of letters.

Results Saturday 18th


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things we learned this week

Brock: How to write a formal letter
Phoebe: How to use my gmail account
Kaleb: How to put a voki on our blog
Declan: Some more division facts
Alicia: How to use gmail and google docs
Hannah: What the Japanese flag looks like
Paige: That Mt Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan
Max: I never knew that mount Fuji is a volcano
Adana: How to put a voki on the blog
Sam P: How to use BEDMAS to follow steps in maths
Jemma: I found a great language translator website for my HOT learning tasks.
Nikia: I learnt what the perimeter of an object is.
Maree: I learnt how to do double digit multiplication
Sam I: I learnt how to do Top 20 maths.
Dannielle: What goes in a good letter.

Our Word Wall

We use our wall to give us ideas to use in our writing.

Our word wall has Nouns,Verbs,Adverbs and Adjectives.
If you find a word that you think is great like colossal then find the definition for colossal. Next you write the definition  on a pink star and staple it on the word wall.Once it is on the wall we can go and see how to spell it and use it for making our writing sound interesting.



Morgan H performing a forward roll
 Today we went to the learning center for PE.
We learnt how to do a forward roll. We also learnt how to balance on the beam and do a bridge.
Declan jumping over the beam.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We are learning to make an Imovie this term.
An Imovie is a movie that you can create 
by getting lots of different videos that we
recorded and putting them together to
make one. Here are the steps to make an Imovie.

1.Take video
2.Upload video
3. Create movie

written by Kaleb and Morgan


This term for Hot Learning Room 7 has been learning about Japan. I am in the language group.
We have done the major imports and exports. We have found lots of info. For this we used
computers, maps, comic life and pages. It was pretty cool doing this. I have learnt so many more things about the world and some things about Japan.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jenna's Accident!

I was on the slide at the Esplinade in Palmerston North. A little kid came up from underneath me and knocked me off. I had to walk all the way back to the hockey turf to find my mum because I was with a friend. I was really brave and I didn't even cry.
I have snapped my raduis bone and cracked my ulna bone. It hurts a bit.
Hopefully I haven't started the Room 7 curse again!

Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree- an analysis by Declan

Good evening and welcome to a tale of forests! Of legendary beasts! Of dreadful villains! Of caterpillars called Graham! And of a great big BEEFER of a cherry tree! But what dark secrets are hidden in that tree, where the leaves grow thick and green? Polly intends to find out by finding out.What will she find out? Find out by reading this book and you'll find out!

It started off in a town called Lamonic Bibber,it was all quiet until old granny came shouting down the street "THE OLD WAYS ARE BACK!"
Every body gathered around Old Granny and she shouted again "THE OLD WAYS ARE BACK!" Suddenly she said, "FOLLOW ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU, COME ON LETS GO"
And so they did chanting all the way "THE OLD WAYS ARE BACK,THE OLD WAYS ARE BACK,THE OLD WAYS ARE BACK."

I think that this piece of writing shows that the townsfolk believed and trusted Old Granny even though she appears to be a bit crazy or drunk!
So far I have found this book to be a bit out of control because there is a lot going on. The townsfolk appear to be a bit dumb and I am not sure if Runtus is real!

How to write a proper letter by Brock

In Room 7 we are learning to write proper letters. Later this week we are interviewing Mrs Keenan, she writes the letters for Koputaroa school . So far we have learnt to send out and end our letter .

Monday, June 13, 2011

Alex's Ramblings

This term for HOT learning I have been learning about the Geography of Japan.
These are some of the things I've learnt

1) Japan is a Archipelago (this means a string of islands surrounded by water).
2) There are over 300 Islands that make up Japan.
3) There are 108 active Volcanoes.
4) Japan is in Asia, which is in the Northern Hemisphere.
5) There are 127,967,000 people in Japan.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Check out our sewing skills!

These are our Hessian Wall-hangings that we have been making during art time.  Also pictured are some of our pompom animals in various stages of production.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kia Ora, Talofa, Bonjour, Namaste, !
Welcome to Room 7's Blog. We are a class of 23 enthusiastic and unique individuals. We hope you enjoy browsing our posts and seeing what we are up to.